Consumer Price Index – Local Charts By City By Item Expenditure Group: All items (SA0) All items - old base (AA0) Food and beverages (SAF) - Food (SAF1) - - Food at home (SAF11) - - - Cereals and bakery products (SAF111) - - - Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs (SAF112) - - - Dairy and related products (SEFJ) - - - Fruits and vegetables (SAF113) - - - Nonalcoholic beverages and beverage materials (SAF114) - - - Other food at home (SAF115) - - Food away from home (SEFV) - - Alcoholic beverages (SAF116) Housing (SAH) - Shelter (SAH1) - - Rent of primary residence (SEHA) - - Owners' equivalent rent of residences (SEHC) - - - Owners' equivalent rent of primary residence (SEHC01) - Fuels and utilities (SAH2) - - Household energy (SAH21) - - - Energy services (SEHF) - Household furnishings and operations (SAH3) Apparel (SAA) Transportation (SAT) - Private transportation (SAT1) - - New and used motor vehicles (SETA) - - - New vehicles (SETA01) - - - Used cars and trucks (SETA02) - - Motor fuel (SETB) - - - Gasoline (all types) (SETB01) - - Motor vehicle insurance (SETE) Medical care (SAM) - Medical care commodities (SAM1) - Medical care services (SAM2) - - Professional services (SEMC) Recreation (SAR) Education and communication (SAE) - - Tuition, other school fees, and childcare (SEEB) Other goods and services (SAG) All items less medical care (SA0L5) All items less energy (SA0LE) All items less food (SA0L1) All items less food and energy (SA0L1E) All items less shelter (SA0L2) Commodities (SAC) Commodities less food (SACL1) Commodities less food and beverages (SACL11) Commodities less food and energy commodities (SACL1E) Durables (SAD) Education and communication commodities (SAEC) Education and communication services (SAES) Index: All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) Urban Wage Earners & Clerical Workers (CPI-W) Loading ... Loading ...