The Producer Price Index (PPI) for November was published this morning by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
A PPI Dataset page will appear on the site soon, containing tables and charts of some of the many indexes within the PPI. Please look out under the “Economic Datasets” menu.

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The “headline” index – Finished Goods, fell by half of one percent in November, while the “Core” index, which excludes food and energy goods, increased in the month by half of one percent.
Year over year, the Core price change is now at 1.31%. The more volatile, headline rate posted a year/year increase of 0.71% for November.
New, Experimental PPI
The BLS is in the process of introducing a new, “Final Demand – Intermediate Demand” system which will replace and add to the current system of indexes. The system will take over with the January 2014 release.

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Some data from the new aggregation system is being published in parallel with the existing PPI.
This new system includes Finished Services within its Total Finished Final Demand index.
The chart at right shows the year/year growth in those new, Total Finished and Finished Services indexes, as well as Finished Goods which tracks the existing headline PPI index.