Over the past twelve months, the Industrial Production index is up by 3.19%.

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The September gains came mainly from Utilities (a positive contribution of 0.42%, all from the Electrical Generation and Distribution index which rose a full 5.0%. The other component of the Utilities, the Natural Gas Distribution index was unchanged.
Mining rose by 0.25%, contributing 0.04% to the overall index. This follows (revised) August growth of 0.59% and a contribution of 0.09%.
Manufacturing grew by 0.15% in September, contributing 0.11% to overall I.P, growth. Durable Goods manufacturing rose, while Non-Durable fell.

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Revisions: August’s previously reported gain remains unchanged at 0.41%, although the components did see some change: Manufacturing Index now +0.53% in August (was +0.67%); Mining now +0.59% (was +0.31%); Utilities now -0.87% (was -1.47%).
More numbers and charts can be found in their latest form on our Industrial Production Page.